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  • Do the exercise
    .1. rate 2. recorded 3.commit 4.deter 5.cut
  • Paraphrase. There was a sudden INCREASE of crimes in 90th
    There was a WAVE of crimes in 90th
  • Do the exercise
    1. combat 2. rate 3. violent crimes 4.wave 5.prevention
  • Paraphrase. Long sentences don't PREVENT people from committing a crime.
    Long sentences don't DETER people from committing a crime.
  • Translate. 25 лет - очень мягкое наказание за такое тяжкое преступление.
    25 years is too light punishment for such a violent crime.
  • Translate. Моего папу арестовали перед тем как я вернулся из-за границы
    My farther had been arrested before I came back from abroad
  • Paraphrase. The GOVERNMENT does everything possible to REDUCE THE NUMBER OF crimes,
    The AUTHORITIES do everything possible to CUT crimes.
  • Paraphrase. There were FEW RAPES AND MURDERS last year.
    There few VIOLENT CRIMES last year
  • Paraphrase. We must stop them from DOING SMTH ILLEGAL.
    We must stop them from COMMITTING A CRIME
  • Translate. Прокурор обвиняет меня в мелком хулиганстве. Но я этого не делал. Я не понимаю почему я под подозрением.
    The prosecutor accuses me of committing petty crimes. But I didn't do it. I don't understand why I am under suspicion.
  • What kind of crime is it?
    bag snatching
  • Translate. Мы дружим 10 лет и я не знал, что он наркодилер
    We have been friends for 10 years and I didn't know that he is a drugdealer.
  • Translate. Мужчина был осужден за насилие и приговорен к 5 годам в тюрьме.
    The man was convicted for rape and sentenced to 5 years in prison
  • What kind of crime is it?
  • What kind of crime is it?
  • What kind of crime is it?