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  • Which Nike trainers use the name of a famous American basketball player.
    Air Jordan.
  • Can you name 2 natural fabrics?
    wool, cotton, silk,
  • Can you name 4 designer brands?
    Armani, Chanel, Boss,Dior, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger.
  • Where do you try clothes on?
    Fitting room/changing room.
  • Can you name 4 brands of trainers?
    Adidas, Nike, Converse,Puma, ASICS , New Balance.Skechers, Fila
  • Name 2 things you can wear on your wrist.
    A watch, a bracelet, a bangle, a Fitbit a wristband.
  • What are ripped jeans?
    Jeans with a hole in them.
  • Skinny, baggy, high waisted, boyfriend, flares, paper bag and cropped are all types of,,,,,,
  • Can you name 3 things you can wear on your head?
    hat, cap, crown, headscarf, a turban.
  • You wear this to keep your trousers up. It is long and has a buckle.
    A belt