
G8 Chinese family

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  • 姐姐
    older sister (jiějie)
  • 弟弟
    younger brother (dìdi)
  • 妹妹
    younger sister (mèimei)
  • 哥哥
    older brother (gēge)
  • house; household (jiā)
  • love (ài)
  • 外公
    grandpa; mother's father (wàigōng)
  • 爸爸
    dad (bàba)
  • 妈妈
    mom (māma)
  • 外婆
    grandma; mother's mother (wàipó)
  • to have; there is; there are (yǒu)
  • 老师
  • 没有
    not to have; there is not; there are not (méiyǒu)
  • 家人
    Family members (jīa rén)
  • 爷爷
    grandpa; father's dad (yéye)
  • i/me
  • 奶奶
    grandma; father's mom (nǎinai)