
Tier 2 4th grade vocabulary

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  • Fortunate
    well-off, wealthy, healthy, successful, in luck
  • Rarely
    barely, hardly, seldom
  • predict
    think, foresee, conclude
  • Concluding
    to bring to an end, finish, to say in conclusion, to determine by reasoning
  • Avoid
    to keep away from; to prevent from happening
  • Effective
    adequate to accomplish a purpose, producing the intended or expected result
  • Decrease
    to diminish or lessen in extent, quantity, strength, power, etc.
  • Observe
    watch, detect, discover, look at
  • Scarce
    limited, rare, few
  • Confirm
    to establish the truth, accuracy, validity of
  • Entire
    having all the parts or elements; whole; complete
  • Furious
    angry, mad
  • Estimate
    guess, evaluation
  • Automatically
    from force of habit; by device or process requiring no human intervention
  • Distribute
    to divide and give out in shares, to disperse through a space or over an area, spread; scatter
  • Essential
    absolutely necessary
  • Convince
    to move by argument or evidence to belief; to persuade
  • Border
    the part or edge of a surface or area that forms its outer boundary. the line, limit or delimiting geographic feature that separates on country, state, province
  • Accomplish
    to complete, to bring to its goal or conclusion; carry out; perform; finish
  • Calculate
    to determine or ascertain by mathematical methods; compute
  • Critical
    inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, involving skillful judgement as to truth
  • Develop
    to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; to cause to grow or expand
  • Circular
    having the form of a circle
  • Previous
    earlier, past
  • temporary
    brief, limited, short-lived, momentary