
Mimi Mania!

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  • Who was Mimi's favorite Paul before Poppy?
    Paul McCartney
  • Name 2 cars that Mimi has driven as a mother or grandmother?
    Highlander, Mini Van, Station Wagon, Saab, Jeep
  • Mimi did come up with a great name for Sundae School but what was her less than awesome name for the playroom at Sea Meadow?
    The Sin Bin
  • What year was Mimi born in?
  • Mimi broke more than one of these in a single dinner at a restaurant...
    wine glasses
  • Name a TV show Mimi like to watch now or in the past?
    All answers
  • What word does Mimi use to describe something when she is trying to be polite?
  • What problem did Mimi claim to avoid skiing?
    "I broke my bindings"
  • What is Mimi's wine choice?
  • What is Mimi's real name?
    Mary Andrea Endres
  • What tv show/star did Mimi suggest Justin, Mike and Pete model their hair after?
  • How does Mimi take her coffee?
    Extra Milk
  • Who asked who out first?
    Mimi (according to Mimi)
  • What was Mimi's mayday call while driving a mini van through a snow storm?
    I'm slipping, I'm sliding!
  • What phrase does Mimi use to estimate distance?
    "as the crow flies"
  • Name 3 things Mimi is great at cooking
    All answers accepted
  • Name 3 places Mimi likes to shop?
    Marshalls, Homegoods, TJ Maxx
  • What style of cooking does usually practice?
    singe and burn
  • Mimi can do just about a project or "emergency" that she was the go to person!
    All answers
  • Demonstrate Mimi's signature celebratory dance move
    Oh Yeah!
  • What item of clothing caught fire while Mimi was wearing it?
  • According to Dr. Mimi PhD, what is the best medicine?
  • Name 3 things that you could probably find in Mimi's car right now
    phone, keys, purse, sunglasses, marshals bag, coffee cup, camp chair