
Anansi and the Talking Watermelon

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  • Who was the first animal Possum met on his way to see King Bear?
  • Which of these traits does not describe Anansi - honest, tricky, clever, or adventurous?
  • In the story, it said that Anansi gorged himself. What does gorged mean?
    ate a lot of food
  • What trick did Anansi play on Possum?
    He made Possum think that the watermelon talked.
  • Why did Anansi wait until Possum took a nap to go into the watermelon patch?
    He didn't want Possum to see him.
  • How can you tell that Anansi didn't learn a lesson from being stuck in the watermelon?
    He tried to trick Possum with a talking peach.
  • How did Possum feel when he first heard the voice coming from inside the watermelon?
    puzzled or confused
  • What is the problem in this story?
    Anansi was stuck inside the watermelon.
  • What do you think Possum was hoping the King would do when he heard the watermelon talk?
    give him a reward for bringing him an amazing watermelon
  • Why did King Bear throw the watermelon?
    It called him a fool.