
Count on and back and Place Value (Math TS)

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  • How do you partition the number 302?
  • In the number 826, what is the place value of the 6 digit?
    ones or units
  • Elson's favorite number has 1 units, 9 hundreds, and 3 tens. How is this written in NUMERALS?
  • Sabel's number has 2 units, 7 hundreds, and 5 tens. What is her number?
  • What are the two numbers right before 412?
    411 and 410
  • What are the two numbers right after 698?
    699 and 700
  • What is the whole number of this partitioned numbers: 600+30+3?
  • If Rick is number 919 and Troy is number 922, what are the numbers in between the two boys?
    920 and 921
  • If I am number 832, what number comes right after me?
  • Elson's favorite number has 1 units, 9 hundreds, and 3 tens. How is this written in NUMBER WORDS?
    nine hundred thirty-one
  • What number is in between 975 and 977?
  • If I am number 518, what number comes right next to me?
  • In the number 715, what is the place value of the 1 digit?
  • John's favorite number is 400. What number comes right before his favorite number?