
Different Aboriginal Groups

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  • What region are Totem Poles mostly found: a) Arctic b) Plains c) Northwest Coast d) Eastern woodlands
    Northwest Coast
  • About how many Aboriginal languages can be found in Canada
    Over 50
  • Which group of Canadian Aboriginal people are extinct.
  • What do the toboggan and Travois have in common?
    They were both used to carry loads across the land.
  • What is the difference between a secular artifacts and sacred?
    Secular were used day-to-day (tools, clothing). Sacred were used for ceremonies or rituals.
  • What is the difference between a birchbark canoe and a cedarbark canoe?
    Birchbark was lightweight and for rivers, Cedarbark was sturdy and for ocean travel
  • During what summer ceremony did people experience "visions"?
    Sun Dance
  • A type of shelter dug into the ground that stays cool in summer
    Pit House
  • On a map, where is the NORTH always found?
    At the top
  • Name three things the Iroquoians ate regularly:
    corn, beans, squash, fish
  • What did hosting a potlatch enhance your social status?
    Because the host would give away food and presents
  • What year did the last Beothuk person die?
  • What is a Buffalo Jump?
    A technique of hunting/killing multiple buffalo at once. Guide them to run off a cliff and plunge to their death
  • What did Inuit and Central Arctic people use to build their houses
    Ice and Snow
  • What season did most Powwows take place?
  • What is the name of the legendary head chief of the Lakota Nation?
    Sitting Bull
  • Type of shelter made from long strips of birchbark like a long rectangular house
  • What did Dreamcatchers claim to do?
    Guard sleeping children from bad dreams, catch them, and be gone by morning.
  • What do you think moose hair was used for in clothing: a) needles b) cloth c) thread
  • Where did the Aboriginal people get their beads?
    European traders
  • Name this animal: lives in herds on the plains, can be use every part of it for food, shelter, clothing, tools
    Bison/ Buffalo
  • Name two winter recreational activities we do today, that have Aboriginal Origins:
    Snow shoeing and tobogganing
  • What is the capital city of Alberta
  • Why were tipis the best dwelling for the Plains people
    Dissembled and moved easily
  • Name two tasty snacks we eat today that have Aboriginal origins
    Popcorn and Sunflower seeds
  • What is the main difference between the plankhouse and a longhouse?
    Longhouse was made of birchbark and the plank house was made of cedar planks.
  • Which Canadian city means "murky water" in Aboriginal languages?
  • Which region of people enjoyed food from both land and sea
    Northwest Region
  • What does is a plateau?
    A high level ground - mostly on the Plains
  • What was often used for healing and medicine?
    Herbs and Plants
  • What is Pemmican, why is it important?
    Dried crushed meat, doesn't go bad, good for hunting trips and keeps through winter.