
Syllable Division

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  • Break apart and read this word correctly: instant
    in/stant = instant
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: cupid
    cu/pid = cupid
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: hogan
    ho/gan = hogan
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: solvent
    sol/vent = solvent
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: sunlit
    sun/lit = sunlit
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: tactless
    tact/less = tactless
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: limbo
    lim/bo = limbo
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: dentist
    den/tist = dentist
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: possum
    pos/sum = possum
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: enlist
    en/list = enlist
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: inlet
    in/let = inlet
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: suspect
    sus/pect = suspect
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: distrust
    dis/trust = distrust
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: Finland
    Fin/land = Finland
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: robot
    ro/bot = robot
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: totem
    to/tem = totem
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: gremlin
    grem/lin = gremlin
  • Break apart and read this word correctly: pigment
    pig/ment = pigment