
Weather and Clothes

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  • Is she wearing shorts and a t-shirt?
    No, she isn't. She's wearing a coat.
  • What clothes do I need?
    You need your swimsuit and sunglasses.
  • On Monday, do I need an umbrella?
    Yes, you do.
  • What shall I wear?
    Wear your coat and scarf.
  • What's the weather like?
    It's cold and snowy.
  • How is the weather on Friday?
    It's cloudy and cold.
  • It's raining, what should I take and wear?
    An umbrella, a coat and boots
  • On Saturday, can I wear shorts and sandles?
    No, you can't. Weat gloves and a hat.
  • How is the weather?
    It is sunny
  • How is the weather on Sunday?
    It's hot and sunny.
  • Do I need my jeans and jumper today?
    No, you don't.
  • It's cold and snowy. Do I wear my scarf and hat?
    Yes, you do.
  • I'm wearing sunglasses. Is it hot and sunny?
    Yes, it is.
  • What's the weather like?
    It's sunny.
  • What is this?
    It's a jumper / sweater.
  • How's the weather today?
    It's stormy.
  • How is the weather?
    It's cold and snowy.
  • What's the weather like on Thursday?
    It's stormy
  • On Tuesday, do I need sunglasses?
    Yes, you do.
  • Is it stormy on Wednesday?
    No, it isn't. It's sunny
  • What's the weather like?
    It's windy.
  • What's the weather like on Monday?
    It's rainy
  • What are these?
    They are jeans (and trainers).
  • On Saturday, do I need my umbrella?
    No, you don't. You need your sunglases.
  • It's hot and sunny, do I will wear my coat and scarf?
    No, you don't