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  • Who was this man?
    Abraham Lincoln
  • What is the NBA?
    The highest level of professional basketball
  • How many states are in the USA?
  • What is the name of this president?
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • What is the name of the smallest state in the USA?
    Rhode Island
  • How many years was he president?
    12 years
  • What is the name of the largest state in the USA?
  • Who is he?
    Martin Luther King Jr.
  • What is the name of his most famous speech?
    I Have a Dream
  • What happened when he was the president?
    The Civil War
  • If you want to be the US president, how old should you be?
    35 years old
  • What was used during the first game of basketball?
    A soccer ball and two peach baskets
  • How did he die?
    He was killed.