
Ancient Greece

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  • What was the most important plant they produced in Greece?
    Olive tree.
  • What did Alexander want to spread in his empire?
    The Greek way of life and culture.
  • What is a polis?
    The Greek city state.
  • What was the difference between the citizens and the metics?
    Citizens were born in Athens, metics were not.
  • How many letters were in the Greek alphabet?
    24 letters
  • What happened at Thermopylae?
    A Greek traitor helped the Persians and Xerxes could defeat the Spartan king, Leonidas. There were only 300 greek soldiers and 20,000 Persian soldiers.
  • How old were the members of the Council in Sparta?
    They were more than 60 years old.
  • When did boys go to school in Athens?
    At the age of 7.
  • What did all Spartan men have to do?
    They all had to serve in the army.
  • When did Alexander the Great rule?
    336 BC-323 BC
  • Who was Herodotus?
    A famous historian, the Father of History.
  • What does the word HELLENE mean in Greek?
  • How big was the Persian Empire?
    From the Mediterranean to the Indus Valley.
  • Where did men and boys live in Sparta?
    They lived together in barracks (camps) without their families.
  • Who was Hippocrates?
    The founder of modern medicine.
  • Who were the third group of society in Athens?
    The slaves.
  • What was the centre of everyday life?
    The agora (the market).
  • What is the name of the building behind the stage that served as the setting of the play?
    The skene.
  • What is the theatron?
    The place where the audience sat.
  • What is democracy?
    A political system, the will of the people.
  • Who was the Greek commander at the battle of Salamis? What happened here?
    Themistocles was the commander, the Greeks won by joining their forces.
  • Were Spartan children often beaten? YES or NO?
  • Were the helots free in Sparta? YES or NO?
  • Where is Sparta (on which Peninsula)?
  • What is the acropolis?
    The centre of a city state, where there is a temple of a god.
  • What were the 2 types of plays in Greece in the 5th century BC?
    Comedies and tragedies
  • When was the First Greek-Persian War?
    It was in 490 BC.
  • Did girls go to school in ancient Athens? YES or NO?
  • Where was the First Greek-Persian War?
    It was at Marathon.
  • Who was Alexander's teacher?
    The Greek philosopher, Aristotle.
  • What is the name of the place where the chorus stood?
    The orchestra pit.
  • What is a strategoi?
    leader of the army
  • What was the name of the Greek battle strategy?
  • What was a typical athenian house like?
    Small, made of bricks, roofs made of clay tiles, small windows without glass, wooden shutters.
  • How many archons were there?
  • What is the name of the temple of Athena?