
Islamic Orientation Day

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  • Who is your prophet?
    Muhammad PBUH
  • What do we say before we eat?
    بسم الله - BismilAllah
  • Why do you love your Mom and Dad?
    Give examples of what they do for you during the holiday:)
  • Who is Almuhii?
  • What is your prophet father's name?
  • What do you know about Halima Alsadia?
    The woman who took care of prophet Muhammad when he was a baby....
  • What dua'a we say when we wake up?
    الحمد لله الذي أحيانا بعد ما أماتنا واليه النشور
  • What do you know about Arabs habits when they got new baby?
    The story of Prophet Muhammad PBUH at Albadiah
  • What do you do for your friends?
    Sharing, caring, loving, forgive, playing, helping, ....
  • Is Allah hearing us?
  • What do we say after we eat?
    الحمدلله - AlhamduliAllah
  • What dua'a we say when we go to sleep?
    باسمك اللهم اموت واحيا
  • Where do you put the garbage?
    In the garbage bin
  • What do we say when we enter the toilet?
    بسم الله ، اللهم اني اعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث
  • How do we wear our clothes?
    Right then left...
  • What do you know about the elephant year?
    The story of Abraha ...
  • What do we say when we leave the toilet?
  • What is your prophet mother's name?