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  • What's the name of the old man who saves the day : Marley or Marv?
    Old man Marley
  • Why did Kevin and Buzz have a fight in the kitchen?
    Buzz ate his cheese pizza.
  • What is the name of the actor who stars as Kevin? Macaulay Culkin or Devin Retray
    Macauley Culkin
  • What's the name of Kevin's oldest brother?
    Buzz McCallister
  • What do the burglars call the McAllister's home? 1. Silver tuna 2. The orange goldfish
    The silver tuna
  • During the film, Kevin says: "This is my house, I have to..." 1. tidy up 2. defend it
    This is my house I have to defend it. I'm the man in the house.
  • How many pizzas did the McCallisters order?
  • What kind of pizza did Kevin order?
    plain cheese
  • What pet lives in Buzz's room?
    A tarantula
  • What did uncle Frank forget at home?
    He forgot his reading glasses.
  • Why doesn't anyone want to sleep with Fooler?
    He wets the beds.
  • What does Kevin's father forgets to do before they leave? 1. The tickets 2. To close the garage
    He forgets to close the garage.
  • In which year was the film Home Alone released 1990 or 1985?
  • What is the name of the gangster film Kevin watches? 1.Angels with filthy souls 2. Gangsters run this town
    Angels with filthy souls
  • What are the burglars called? 1.Rick and Morty. 2. Marvin and Harry.
    Marv and Harry
  • Where do the McCallister family live in Chicago or in New York?
  • What does Kevin take in the chemists without paying for it: a toothbrush or a packet of chips?
    a toothbrush
  • How old is Kevin McCallister?
  • Why are Kevin's family late for the airport? 1. They forgot to set the alarm clock. 2.There was a power cut because of the storm.
    A storm caused the power cut and they slept in.
  • What costume does one of the burglars wear at the beginning of the film?
    He is dressed as a policeman.
  • What is Kevin's cousin called: Kieran or Fooler?
  • How much money did they pay for all pizzas?
    122.50 dollars
  • How many people are staying in the house in total?