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  • Stand up and sing a little song. Spell the word 'красный'.
    Great job! Red.
  • Show your ears, nose and teeth! Spell the word 'белый'.
    Very nice! White.
  • Translate and spell the word : oceнь
  • Translate into English: Брат Тимура не любит играть на большом сером диване в гостиной.
    Timur's brother doesn't like to play on the big grey sofa in the living room.
  • What can you see in the street? Name more than 5 objects.
    A garden, a swing, a tree, a bird, a house, grass.
  • Give antonyms to the following adjectives: rainy - , sad -, little - angry - , nice - , short-, cold -,
    Sunny, happy, big, kind, bad, long, hot
  • Do the action: stand up and jump 3 times. Spell the word 'cентябрь'.
    Well done! September.
  • What is the difference between ' to hear' and 'to listen to'?
    to hear - слЫшать, to listen to - слУшать
  • Make up a special question to the answer: 'A chocolate cake.'
    Вопросительное слово + общий вопрос?
  • Make up 1 special question with the verbs : помогать, читать
    Вопросительное слово + do/does + подлежащее (кто, что) + help ... to read?
  • Translate into English: думать, говорить, спрашивать
    to think, to say, to ask
  • Imagine and show that you eat a cake and drink tea. Spell the word 'черный'.
    Awesome! Black.
  • Ask using HAVE and HAVE GOT: У Мэри есть сын? Answer Yes.
    Does Mary have a son? Has Mary got a son?
  • Say using HAVE and HAVE GOT: У тебя нет чая и шоколада.
    You do not have tea and chocolate. You have not got tea and chocolate.
  • Translate into English: Он думает я могу взбираться на деревья ночью.
    He thinks I can climb trees at night.
  • What is the plural for 'a child'? 'a tooth'?
    A child - children, a tooth -teeth
  • Translate and spell: мама, папа, сын.
    Mother, father, son.
  • Translate and spell the words : ловить, плакать.
    to catch, to cry
  • Look at your chair! Spell the word 'коричневый'.
    Perfect! Brown.
  • Translate into English: Почему родители Бэна подходят ко мне вечером?
    Why do Ben's parents come up to me in the evening?
  • Make an affirmative sentence with the verb 'to visit'
    Подлежащее (кто?что?) - сказуемое (что делает?) - кого, когда и тд .
  • Spell the verb 'слышать'. Translate into English: 'утром'.
    to hear, in the morning
  • Find antonyms to the verbs: to give, to turn on, to wake up
    to take, to turn off, to sleep
  • Do morning exercises! Spell the word 'серый'.
    Very good! Grey/gray.
  • What can you see in the house? Name more than 5 objects.
    A cupboard, a sofa, a chair , a box, a ball.