
7th Grade Unıt 3

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  • Say the past forms of the verbs: Go:........ Do:.......... Make:....... Eat:.......... Give:..... ... Be:...........
  • Complete this question:_........your grandmother a/an .(occupation).? Answer:(-)
    Was your grandmother a lawyer? No she weren't.
  • ANSWER: Were you in shopping mall yesterday afternoon?___Did you read Atatürk's biography?
    1-Yes I was//No I wasn't__2-Yes I did//No I didn't.
  • Choose the correct one_:Alexander Graham Bell _discovered/invented_ the telephone im 1876.
  • Make a question and answer it according to the picture: Lucy and Dave/at the library/two days ago
    Question:Were Lucy and Dave/they at the library two days ago? Answer:No they weren't.they were at the cinema
  • Choose the correct one: I was/were at home._ They was/were in the hospital.
    I was_They were.
  • make this sentence negative:We were tired.
    we weren't/were not tired.
  • Make this sentence positive:She didn't drink coffee
    she drank coffee.
  • Say the words in Enhglish::katılmak=........... mezun olmak=........... evlenmek:.........ödül:..........
    katılmak:attend/mezun olmak:graduate/evlenmek:get married/ödül:prize/award
  • Make this sentence negative:I gave my book to Linda
    ı did not/didn't give my book to linda
  • Say the past forms of verbs say-............ win........... grow...........take.........see...........
  • Talk about your last summer holiday using past tense.