
Focus 4 Unit 2 Human nature

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  • an adventurous person who isn’t afraid of taking risks is ...
  • My brother is _____________ ____________ but he doesn’t try to do well at school. It’s very frustrating.
    highly intelligent
  • 4 Susan__________________(already/study) French for months when she ____________________(meet) Pierre.
    had already studied/ met
  • Families that live in houses with gardens are in a good situation to adopt a pet. LIVING Families _______________________________
    [Families] LIVING in houses with gardens are in a good situation to adopt a pet.
  • People who spend a lot of time reading books are often very _______________.
  • 2 I________________(have) a great time last night. I________________ (never/be) to a party like that before.
    had/ had never been
  • For me, a partner should definitely be _______________. It’s so important to laugh.
  • I was _______________ _______________ at school. I would only speak to my teacher and my best friend.
    painfully shy
  • someone who gets angry very easily and quickly is ...
  • 1 We___________________(already/prepare) everything by the time they______________ (arrive).
    had already prepared/arrived
  • Losing the competition was a big shock. I was ____________ _____________ for days.
    bitterly dissappointed
  • I wish he was more _______________. He’ll never do anything unless we’ve madea plan.
  • I didn’t get the job. They told me that I don’t _____________ ____________ but I should apply again in a year.
    meet the requirements
  • someone who keeps calm, even in a stressful or difficult situation is ...
  • The hero of the story is ___________ than life. There’s no way you can ignore him.
  • He’s always had a ______________________ _________. That’s how he can write such brilliant stories.
    vivid imagination
  • He’s very _______________. I think he’d be a good judge.
  • We’ve got a _____________ ____________ so you can stay with us when you come to London.
    spare room
  • Some children’s parents don’t allow them to have a dog. These children miss out on something very valuable. WHOSE Children ________________________________
    [Children] WHOSE parents don’t allow them to have a dog miss out on something very valuable.
  • someone who doesn’t have much self-confidence is ...
  • someone who completes tasks very carefully without missing anything is ...
  • I wish I had a love of ___________. It would make studying for exams so much easier.
  • 5 Mum_________________ (lie down) for a few minutes as she ___________________(not feel) well all day.
    lay down/ hadn't been feeling
  • Our teacher can go from happy to angry in a matter of seconds. He’s so _______________ sometimes.
  • My cousins live close by. Their mum is my mum’s sister. WHOSE The cousins ____________________________
    [The cousins] WHOSE mum is my mum’s sister live close by.
  • The examiner was quite scary. She didn’t make me feel at ____________at all.
  • Don’t be so _______________. You can’t believe everything someone tells you.
  • I’m not surprised she’s the owner of a successful business. She’s always wanted to start a company and she’s very ____________.
  • Lucy is ____________ ____________. She believes that she can do anything, and she usually can!
    supremely confident
  • someone who always knows the right thing to say in difficult situations is ...
  • 3 They_________________ (get) engaged when they_________________(only/date) for a couple of months!
    got/ had only been dating
  • She’s just a _____________ _______________. I don’t know her that well at all.
    casual acquaintance
  • Dogs make great companions for only children. Dogs also help guard houses. WHICH Dogs __________________________________
    [Dogs], WHICH make great companions for only children, also help guard houses.
  • She has such creative ideas and always ____________ outside the box.
  • I’m not very _______________. I had no idea she was upset.
  • The politicians are trying to _______________ ______________ about university fees.
    reach an agreement
  • I’ve never been the ____________ and soul of the party. I’m too shy and would rather stay at home with a good book.
  • Some working mothers look after young children. They decide to work from home. LOOKING Some working mothers ___________________
    [Some working mothers] LOOKING after young children decide to work from home.
  • My sister is ______________ _______________ but she prefers to do things on her own.
    good company