
Irregular Past Tense

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  • What did she HURT? Name 3 parts of the body
    She HURT her: legs, face, ankle, elbows, knees, forehead... ets..
  • Powiedz: "Kupiem (BUY) nowy laptop wczoraj"
    I BOUGHT a new laptop
  • Powiedz: "Oni zgubili (LOOSE) drogę"
    They LOST the way
  • What did the dog DRIVE?
    The dog DROVE the car.
  • What did he STEAL? (jedzenie)
    He STOLE food.
  • Powiedz: "On dał(GIVE) jej kwiatka"
    He GAVE her a flower
  • What did he WEAR? (Wymien 3 elementy)
    He WORE a blue shirt, galsses, headphones.
  • What did the cat READ?
    The cat READ an English book.
  • Where did the baby SWIM?
    The baby SWAM in the bath
  • Where did the cat SIT?
    The cat SAT on the dog.
  • What did she WRITE yesterday? ( list)
    She WROTE a letter
  • Powiedz: "Oni przyszli (COME) do mnie na imprezę"
    They CAME to me for the pary.
  • Powiedz: "Założyłem (PUT) spodnie"
    I PUT on my trousers.
  • Powiedz: "Zapomniałem (FORGET) o nim"
    I FORGOT about him
  • What did the men GET out of?
    He GOT out of the car
  • What did she TAKE? (zdjęcie)
    She TOOK a photo
  • Powiedz: "Ona powiedziała (TELL) jej całą historie"
    She TOLD her the whole story
  • Powiedz: "On był (BE) podekscytowany"
    He WAS excited
  • What did the boy CUT? (papier)
    He CUT the paper.
  • What did they WIN? (mecz)
    They WON the match
  • What did he HEAR? (coś)
    He HEARD something
  • Powiedz: "On coś zobaczył (SEE)?"
    He SAW something
  • Powiedz: "On wyszedł (LEAVE) z domu"
    He LEFT the house
  • Powiedz "Byłam (BE) w domu w weekend"
    I WAS at home at the weekend
  • Powiedz: "Uderzyli(HIT) się nawzajem"
    They HIT each other
  • Powiedz "My byliśmy (BE) w domu w piątek"
    We WERE at home on friday
  • Powiedz: "On znalazł (FIND) pieniądze"
    He FOUND money
  • Where did they GO?
    They WENT shopping
  • Where did they MEET?
    They MET at the resturant
  • What did the dog RIDE?
    The dog RODE its bike
  • What did they THROW?
    They THREW a towel.
  • Powiedz "Spadł (FALL) z krzesła"
    He FELL off his chair
  • What did they HAVE? (lekcję)
    They HAD a lesson
  • Powiedz: On nauczył(LEARN) się prowadzić w tamtym roku
    He LEARNT to drive a car last year
  • What did they EAT? (przekąskę)
    She ATE a snack
  • Powedz "On czuł (FEEL) się smutny"
    He FELT sad
  • Powiedz: "Zapłaciłam (PAY) 15 euro"
    I PAID 15 euros
  • Powiedz: "Ona poleciała (FLY) samolotem do Paryża"
    She FLEW to Paris by the plane
  • What did you SEND?
    I SENT an email/a massage
  • What did the boy BUILD?
    He BUILT a sand castle.
  • What did she SING? (piosenkę)
    She SANG a song
  • What did he BURN? (jedzenie)
    He BURNT food
  • Powiedz: "On podjął (MAKE) decyzje dwa dni temu"
    He MADE a decision two days ago.
  • What did the cat BREAK? (wazon)
    The cat BROKE the vase.
  • What did he DRINK?
    He DRANK (some) juice
  • Powiedz: "Sprzedał (SELL) dom"
    He SOLD a house
  • Where did the baby SLEEP last night?
    It SLEPT in the living room/on the sofa
  • Who did she WAKE up? (rodziców)
    She WOKE up her parents.
  • Where did the cat RUN? (na trawie)
    The cat RAN on the grass.