
Prepositions of movement

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  • Kot chodzi po domu
    The cat is walking aroud the house
  • What are the children doing?
    They're jumping into the water.
  • Ona wychodzi z samochodu
    She is getting out of the car
  • Przejeżdzają obok miasta
    They're going pass the city
  • Ona schodzi na dół (po schodach)
    She is going/walking down stairs
  • Idą wzdłuż plaży
    They're walking/going ALONG the beach
  • What's the man doing?
    He's listening through the wall.
  • What is he doing?
    He is getting off the train
  • What is the horse doing?
    It's jumping over the pool.
  • What are they doing?
    They're sailing across the sea.
  • Pociag jedzie przez tunel
    The train is going THROUGH the tunnel
  • Wyjść z... wydostaś się z... ?
    Get out of...
  • What's the girl doing?
    She's looking through the window.
  • Jedziemy przez tunel
    We're going/driving THROUGH the tunnel
  • What's the woman doing?
    She's listening through the wall.
  • What are the people doing?
    They're walking across the road.
  • What are they doing?
    They are getting on the train
  • Oni wsiadają do autobusu
    They're getting on the bus
  • Przechodzić przez.... (z jednej na drugą stronę)
    Go/walk across
  • Oni wychodzą z autobusu :-) lub (są wyrzuceni)
    They're getting off the bus -- (They're kicked off)
  • What are the people doing?
    They're going through the forest.
  • Where is the ship going?
    It's going under the bridge.
  • What's the boy doing?
    He's jumping into the water.
  • Biegną w kierunku jungli
    They're running towards the jungle
  • What are they doing?
    They're climbing over the wall.
  • What are the people doing?
    They are walking across/over the bridge.
  • On wychodzi ze sklepu
    He is getting out of the shop / He is leaving the shop
  • What's the tortoise doing?
    It's climbing over the gate.
  • wychodzić z samochodu
    get out of the car
  • What are zebras doing?
    They're going across the river.
  • What are they doing?
    They are going/walking across the street