
Science Review 2019

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  • Why do thunderstorms most often occur in the summer months?
    Higher temperatures increase the rate of evaporation and convection.
  • How does the arrangement of the air molecules found in the troposphere compare to the arrangement of those found in the thermosphere?
    The air molecules are closer together in the troposphere and are farther apart in the thermosphere.
  • A person enters a room, flips the light switch, and a lamp turns on. What causes the lamp to turn on?
    The circuit is open, and flipping the switch closes the circuit.
  • What causes convection currents to occur on Earth?
    warm air rising, cool air sinking
  • How does the mechanical energy of a rock change as it falls from a mountain?
    The mechanical energy remains the same because potential energy is changed into kinetic energy.
  • What is one way the respiratory system and the circulatory system work together in the human body?
    The respiratory system takes in oxygen, and the circulatory system delivers the oxygen to the cells of the body.
  • Which is the most likely cause of tropical storms?
    Warm water evaporates, rises quickly, and interacts with a colder air mass.
  • How do the digestive system and the circulatory system work together in the human body?
    The digestive system extracts nutrients from food, while the circulatory system transports those nutrients.
  • How do a volvox and an amoeba get their food?
    A volvox uses photosynthesis, and an amoeba surrounds its food.
  • Which applied force will cause a glass of water sitting on a countertop to move?
    an unbalanced force
  • Which layer of the atmosphere contains the most water vapor?
  • Over a period of several hours, a barometer shows rapidly decreasing air pressure. What type of weather will most likely occur next?
    calm, windless weather
  • In which way are a euglena and a volvox different?
    A euglena is an individual cell, while a volvox is a colony of cells.
  • Why are scientists concerned with ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere?
    because it allows ultraviolet radiation to reach Earth's surface
  • How do people determine if a vehicle in which they are sitting is moving?
    by comparing their position to a fixed object outside the vehicle.
  • Which best explains why muscle is considered a tissue?
    It is a group of cells working together.
  • Earth's atmosphere is mainly composed of which gases?
    nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide
  • What type of weather is most likely observed in an area when cirrus clouds are present?
    calm weather
  • Which will cause an increase in the mechanical energy of an object?
    increasing its potential energy
  • Which statement describes the organization of living organisms?
    All organisms are composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of structure and perform essential life functions.
  • Person X and person Y both smoked the same brand and amount of cigarettes for 20 years. Person Y develops lung disease while person X does not. Which statement best compares both people?
    The genetic makeup of person X allowed for a higher tolerance to chemicals in tobacco than person Y.
  • A homozygous dominant black angelfish (BB) is crossed with a homozygous recessive gold angelfish (bb). What is the probability their offspring will be gold?
  • How is a gamete different from other types of cells in a person's body?
    It has half the number of chromosomes.
  • Two students pull on a rope in opposite directions, each with a force of 100 N. What would most likely happen to the rope if the student on the left increased her force to 125 N?
    The rope would go from motionless to accelerating to the left.
  • Which function does the nucleus of a cell perform?
    It controls the activity of the cell.