
Kids Need to Be SAFE!

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  • Following Rules?
    SAFE! Rules keep everyone safe. Even grown-ups have rules! What are some rules you follow?
  • When a Parent Takes Care of You?
    SAFE! It's a parent's job to take care of you and make sure you are loved and safe!
  • You Help With Some Chores (and Parents Keep the House Clean!)?
    SAFE! What are some chores you like (or don't like to help with)?
  • A Warm Home?
    SAFE! A safe, warm, stable home is important! What does that mean to you?
  • Time Outs?
    SAFE! Time-outs are okay when rules are not followed. Parents should never hurt kids.
  • Parents Help You and Keep an Eye on You (to Make Sure you are SAFE!)?
    SAFE! What are some things parents help you with? Were you ever alone or worried?
  • You Visit the Doctor and Dentist (Even When You Feel Fine!)?
    SAFE! They make sure you are healthy and growing!
  • Healthy Food (and Plenty to Eat!)
    SAFE! You need lots of healthy foods to grow up big and strong!
  • My Own Bed?
    SAFE! A safe, warm, quiet place to sleep helps you rest for the next day!
  • Staying Clean?
    SAFE! Baths and clean clothes are important and keep you healthy!
  • Hugs, Kisses, and Snuggles (If YOU Want Them!)?
    SAFE! You deserve to be loved and cared about! You are special!
  • Brushing Teeth?
    SAFE! You should brush your teeth every day to stay healthy (and feel proud when you go to the Dentist)!