
Weimar Germany and the Rise of the Nazis

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  • Why was Adolf Hitler imprisoned in 1924?
    For leading an armed uprising, known as the Munich Putsch.
  • What was the Weimar Government named after?
    The town of Weimar, where the constitution was written
  • How much of his 5 year prison sentence did Hitler serve?
    4 months
  • What was the name of the economic plan which gave Germany a $200m loan, and restructured payments?
    The Dawes Plan
  • What was the name of the currency, tied to the value of German land, that Stresemann introduced?
    The Rentenmark
  • What did Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution allow?
    It allowed the chancellor to make laws without parliament
  • How did Josef Goebbels use new technology to promote the Nazis?
    He used Radio broadcasts
  • The group of Right Wing ex-soldiers who tried to start an uprising in 1920 were called...
    the Freikorps
  • How many people became unemployed in Germany as a result of the Wall Street Crash?
    6 million
  • What is the name of the German Parliament building?
    The Reichstag
  • The belief in a superior Aryan race is a ... policy
    Racist / White Supermacist
  • What was the name of the currency, tied to the value of GOLD, that Stresemann introduced?
    The Reichsmark
  • What does 'Mein Kampf' mean in English?
    My Struggle
  • What is the name of the attempted Left Wing uprising in January 1919?
    The Spartacist Uprising
  • At what age could men vote in Weimar Germany
  • Oppositions to the Treaty of Versailles called the politicians who signed it the November ...
    November Criminals
  • Who did groups like judges and the army support after the end of World War 1?
    Kaiser Wilhelm II
  • What was the full name of the Nazi Party?
    The National Socialist German Workers' Party
  • Which German statesman managed to stabilise the German economy from 1924-28?
    Gustav Stresemann
  • Who won the 1932 German Presidential race?
    Paul von Hindenburg
  • What is the German equivalent of the British Prime Minister?
    The Chancellor
  • What is the German word for 'living space'?
  • Name one of the Nazis' more Socialist policies.
    Improved pensions / Farmers should be given their land / State-Owned public utilities
  • Right-wing Germans, such as Hitler, felt that Germany had been ... in the ... by the Weimar Government
    Stabbed in the back
  • Which party was the second biggest in the Reichstag in 1932?
    The Communists
  • At what age could women vote in Weimar Germany?