
Villages & Towns

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  • Name this building.
    Church (village)
  • Name that service: Responsible for libraries, museums, and town festivals.
    Cultural services.
  • What kind of village is this?
    Village along a road.
  • About how many people live in a village?
    fewer than 10,000 people
  • Who is the head of the local council
  • Name that service: Rubbish collectors collect our rubbish and street cleaners clean the streets.
    Cleaning service.
  • Name that service: protecting people, keeping the streets safe, arresting criminals
    Police service.
  • True or False? Many young people work in their village as famers/fishermen.
  • What kind of village is this?
    Village made up of isolated houses. (mountain village)
  • What are short and narrow in a village?
    Streets are short and narrow
  • What is another word for "rural area"?
  • Name that service: Makes sure that the street lights are working.
    Street lighting.
  • Name that service: Gardeners take care of the plants and trees.
    Parks service.
  • Describe what buildings are like in villages.
    the buildings are low.
  • Name these buildings.
    Housing estates
  • Name that service: makes sure we have clean, fresh water and clean sewers
    Water service.
  • Life in villages is usually __________ and there is not much traffic.
  • Name that service: Take care of sports centers and swimming pools.
    Recreational services.
  • Name that service: Regulates the construction industry, so that buildings are safe.
    Town Planning services.
  • The local council meet in what building?
    town hall
  • What are municipal services
    services that all people need.
  • What kind of village is this?
    Village around a square.
  • Name that service: preventing and putting out fires, helping people when there are disasters.
    Fire service.
  • What types of jobs are there in a village?
    Farmers, fisherman, livestock
  • Name that service: Maintain and repair road signs and traffic signals.
    Highway services.
  • What service keeps our entire towns and cities clean
    Sanitation services