
[Grade 8 - Old] Unit 6 - The Young Pioneers Club

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  • My parents always <encourage> me. I'm extremely thankful for their <encouragement>.
    encourage (v): khuyến khích, động viên; encouragement (n): lời khuyến khích, sự động viên
  • The volunteers wanted to <raise fund for> the handicapped in the <community>.
    raise fund for (n): gây quỹ cho; community (n): cộng đồng
  • fix (v)
    sửa chữa
  • Companies only want to <earn money>. They don't care about <natural resources>.
    earn money (v): kiếm tiền; natural resources (n): tài nguyên thiên nhiên
  • assist (v); assistance (n); assistant (n)
    giúp đỡ; sự giúp đỡ; trợ lý, phụ tá
  • My friend and I don't have <similar> <characters>. He's outgoing, but I'm very reserved.
    similar to (adj): tương đồng; character (n): tính cách
  • participate in (v); participant (n); participation (n)
    tham gia; người tham gia; sự tham gia
  • We should support Go Green <campaigns> to save our environment.
    campaign (n): chiến dịch
  • respond (v)
    đáp lại
  • application form (n); applicant (n)
    đơn xin, bản mẫu; ứng viên
  • Our town has just opened a new <fitness> center. Do you want to come with me?
    fitness (n): sự khoẻ mạnh
  • Have you done any <voluntary> work? → Yes, I have. I <volunteered> to clean the streets in my neighborhood last month. There were 2 more <volunteers> to help me.
    volunteer (v, n): tình nguyện & tình nguyện viên; voluntary (adj): có tính chất tình nguyện
  • pioneer (n)
    người tiên phong
  • fill out
    điền vào
  • Can you point out the <similarity>?
    similarity (n) = điểm tương đồng
  • tire = tyre (n)
    lốp xe
  • hobby (n)
    sở thích
  • sign (v); signature (n)
    ký tên; chữ ký
  • The campaign wants to raise <awareness> about the situation of our environment at the moment. In other words, it wants us to be more <aware> of the environmental problems (các vấn đề về môi trường).
    awareness (n): nhận thức, ý thức; aware (adj): có nhận thức
  • enroll (v); enrollment (n)
    đăng ký, ghi danh; việc đăng ký, sự tuyển sinh
  • One of the <aims> of the International Scout Association is to encourage good <citizenship>. In other words, it encourages <citizens> to fulfill their duties.
    citizenship (n): quyền công dân/ý thức công dân; citizen (n): công dân; aim (n): mục tiêu
  • What do you think about <recycling>? → I think we should not only <recycle> plastic bottles instead of (thay vì) throwing them away, but also use more <recycled> products.
    recycle (v): tái chế; recycling (n): việc tái chế; recycled (adj): làm từ vật liệu phế thải
  • Mark Zuckerberg <founded> Facebook in 2004. Oh wait, sorry. He didn't do it by himself. Mark's classmates helped him <establish> Facebook.
    found = establish (v): thành lập
  • Could you do me a <favor>? → favor (n)
    sự chiếu cố, đặc ân, giúp đỡ
  • handicapped (adj) → the handicapped
    bị khuyết tật