
Social Skills

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  • You're at a friends house and they leave the room. You get bored, so you start looking though one of the drawers that's next to you. Is this expected or unexpected behavior when at a friends house?How might this make the person feel?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • You're playing a Kahoot in class, and you end up coming in second place. You say, "That's not fair! The winner cheated!!" Is this expected or unexpected behavior? How might it make your classmates feel if you do this?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • It's the first day back at school after winter break. What is a question you can ask to a friend to start a conversation?
    How was your break?
  • You're in art class, and the student sitting next to you starts using your markers without asking. How might you feel in that situation? What can you do?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • During math class, the teacher calls on you to answer a question. You don't know the answer so you sit there without saying anything. How would this make your teacher and classmates feel? What can you do instead?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • Two friends are talking. One person talks about how great their weekend was for over a minute and doesn't give the other person a chance to talk. How might each person be feeling?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • What is one tool you can use if you're feeling nervous?
    List a yellow zone tool
  • Your friend is over at your house. They want to play Minecraft, but you want to play Fortnite. What could you do?
  • During a conversation, two people are talking about the weekend but the third person isn't saying anything. What can the two people say or do to include the third person in the conversation?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • You're eating lunch with two of your friends. They start to argue about which is the correct way to play Minecraft. You start to feel uncomfortable. How can you handle this problem?
    As a group, decide if the person answered correctly.
  • What is one tool you can use if you're feeling frustrated?
    List a red zone tool
  • You're on a Zoom classroom lesson. Your teacher is teaching, but you're distracted by your phone and laughing at a video you're watching. How might your teacher and classmates feel?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • Two classmates are talking about the Bears game. You didn't watch it, so you pull out your phone to look up the score without saying anything. What might the others think? What would be a better way to join the conversation?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • How can you show someone you're being a good listener in a conversation?
    Eye contact, respond to them, ask questions, face the person who is talking
  • You walk up to someone you know, but they're in a conversation with their other friend. What can you say to join this conversation?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • What is one tool you can use if you're feeling sad?
    list a blue zone tool
  • A friend just got a new dog. What is one question you could ask them?
    What's it's name? How old is he/she? Is it a boy or girl? etc