
Romeo and Juliet

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  • How does Paris die?
    Romeo kills him
  • Who is Romeo's servant?
  • What is the inciting force?
    Romeo and Juliet meet on the dance floor and fall in love
  • Who is like Juliet's second mom?
  • Why doesn't Romeo know about Friar Lawrence's plan?
    Because Friar Lawrence's messenger, Friar John, was quarantined
  • Who kills Mercutio?
  • How does Juliet die?
    She stabs herself with a dagger.
  • How long will the potion Friar Lawrence gives Juliet last?
    42 hours
  • What will Capulet do if Juliet refuses to marry Paris?
    Disown her and throw her out of his house
  • What kind of person is Tybalt?
    Hot headed, always looking for a fight
  • What kind of person is Mercutio?
    Jokester, Talkative
  • Who is Juliet's cousin?
  • How does the Nurse betray Juliet?
    She tells her to forget Romeo and marry Paris.
  • How old is Juliet?
  • Who is Romeo's cousin?
  • How old is ROmeo?
  • Who else dies in Act 5?
    Lady Montague
  • What is the Moment of Final Suspense?
    When Romeo enters Juliet's tomb right before she awakes.
  • Who does Juliet go to for help in avoiding marrying Paris?
    Friar Lawrence
  • Where does Romeo and Juliet mostly take place?
  • Who are the 2 cousins of the prince?
    Mercutio and Paris
  • Which act is the climax of the play?
    Act 3
  • Why has Tybalt challenged Romeo to a duel?
    Because Romeo crashed the Capulet party
  • Who is the Nurse's servant?
  • Why does Romeo go to the Capulet party?
    To see Rosaline, his love
  • Who kills Tybalt
  • How long has the feud between the families been going on?
    A long time
  • Which character proves to be a reliable narrator?
  • Where does Romeo go when he is banished?
  • Who is Romeo in love with at the beginning of the play?
  • Who tells ROmeo that Juliet is dead?
  • What is the Friar's plan to get Juliet out of the marriage to Paris?
    He will give her a potion that will make her appear dead. He'll write to Romeo. He and ROmeo will take her from the tomb to Mantua
  • How does Romeo die?
    He drinks poison
  • What kind of person is Benvolio?
    A peacemaker, a good friend, a friendly guy