
Q2 Social Studies Review

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  • Who was the general of the Mexican army during the Texas Revolution and dictator of Mexico?
    Santa Anna
  • Why did the Spanish establish missions?
    to spread Christianity to the Indians, to claim more land
  • Why did Texas write their own Declaration of Independence?
    To become independent from Mexico
  • Coronado and other explorers came to the New World searching for what?
  • He is the American empresario who is known as the Father of Texas. He was given land to settle by the government of Mexico.
    Stephen F. Austin
  • Which colony had fertile soil and fresh drinking water from Guadalupe river, was close to the Gulf of Mexico so settlers could get supplies, had its own mail system, school, militia, and was settled by Mexican families
    Victoria (Martin de Leon's colony)
  • Which colony was located between the Colorado and Brazos rivers and had fertile soil for water and many trees for homes, brought the first Americans to Texas (the Old 300), had its own newspaper
    Austin's Colony
  • 3 major reasons for European exploration of the New World (3 G's)
    Gold, God, Glory
  • What is one mission that is still standing today? (Hint: it is in San Antonio)
    The Alamo
  • William Barret Travis wrote “Victory or Death” during which battle?
    The Battle of the Alamo
  • Name a cause of the Texas Revolution.
    Issues with Mexico including: slavery, religion, Santa Anna destroying the Mexican Constitution, many people moving to Texas from the US
  • Which battle did Sam Houston and the Texans surprise attack Santa Anna and the Mexicans while they were resting?
    San Jacinto
  • Who is the empresario who established the Victoria Colony? He was the only Mexican empresario to found a colony in Texas.
    Martin de Leon
  • The Texas Declaration of Independence declared Texas’ independence from ______.
  • Spain built _______ so they would be able to hold on to their newly-discovered lands. ______ helped to spread Christianity and the Spanish way of life to the Texas Indians.
  • The Battle of _____ ______ lasted for 18 minutes and was the final battle in the Texas Revolution.
    San Jacinto