
4th grade exam guide. December.

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  • Select the sentence in present progressive: a) He drives home. b) He is driving home.
    b) He is driving home.
  • Select the sentence in present tense: a)She goes home quickly b)She went home quicky
    a)She goes home quickly
  • Write the PLURAL form of: calf
  • Select the sentence in present progressive: a)They are skating in the park b)They skated in the park.
    a)They are skating in the park
  • Write the PLURAL form of: cherry
  • Write the sentence with the correct CAPITAL LETTERS: my favorite book is gulliver's Travels by jonathan swift.
    My favorite book is Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.
  • Complete using PRESENT PERFECT: He ______(put) the toys in the bin.
    has put
  • Select the correct WH-question: ________ is he happy?- Because he has a new dog. a)where b)why c)what
  • Write the PLURAL form of: ox
  • Select OR/ BUT / SO: Liam studied for the exam, ___ didn't get a good grade. a)or b)but c)so
  • Write the PLURAL form of: salmon
  • Select OR/ BUT / SO: We can watch a movie,____ we can go to the park. a)or b)but c)so
  • Complete using PRESENT PERFECT: We_________ (not/say) a word since we arrived.
    haven't said
  • Select the correct WH-question: __________ is my videogame? -In your room. a)why b)what c)where
  • Write the sentence with the correct CAPITAL LETTERS. erik moved to houston, texas in october,
    Erik moved to Houston, Texas in October.
  • Complete using PRESENT PERFECT: I________(play) with the xbox all day.
    have played
  • Select the correct WH-question: ________ is your teacher? -Diana a)who b)why c)how
  • Select OR/ BUT / SO: Alex forgot his book, ____ he had to use his notebook. a)or b)but c)so
  • Select the sentence in present tense: a)The lions sleep all night. b)The lions slept all night.
    a)The lions sleep all night.