
Environmental balance.

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  • ..................... protects itself by camouflage phenomenon .
  • Benefits of saprophytes (Bacteria )
    Food industry : In making cheese, bread, yoghurt, vinegar Drugs industry : In making antibiotics.
  • It is the food relationship in which each saprophytes(decomposers) get benefit by decomposing food remains or bodies of dead organisms .
  • What happens if there is no predation ?
    The number of prey will increase , so the food resources become insufficient for the prey that lead to competition between them , so prey will die .
  • The ...................... is the predator .
    Plant (dionaea)
  • It is any natural area including living organisms and non-living organisms and their interaction.
  • What happens if there were no saprophytes in the ecosystem ?
    The earth surface will be covered with the bodies of dead organisms.
  • A phenomenon in which the harmless living organisms imitate other harmful living organisms to frighten their enemies and escape from them .
  • The parasite lives externally on the host’s body and feeds by sucking the blood of the host .
    External parasite.
  • It is the balance among the components of ecosystem .
    Environmental balance.
  • ....................,.......................and...................... are the types of symbiosis .
    Mutualism - commensalism - parasitism
  • The food relationship between the cat and the rat is .........................
  • The food relationship between sponge and tiny aquatic living organism.
  • Food relationship between nodular bacteria and leguminous plants is .......................
  • Green plants are called .................... organisms