
Unit 9 C1

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  • Put the words in order to make a sentence: being / apologised / she / insensitive / for / so
    She apologised for being so insensitive.
  • Complete the missing word: Whenever I’m figuring out the main storyline of a new play that I’m writing, I always crave a fresh p____________on my ideas. It’s so useful to have feedback on whether the plot is plausible or not.
  • Correct the mistake: -Did you enjoy the film last night? -No, not at all. If there's one thing I can't stand for it's violence. I walked out before the end of the movie.
  • Correct the mistake: -Was the restaurant good? -No, the food was terrible. It was total waste of money.
  • Put the words in order to make a sentence: around the park / they / aimlessly / in search / wandered / at the end of the concert / of the keys
    They wandered aimlessly around the park at the end of the concert in search of the keys.
  • Complete the missing word: Garan’s always been one to s__________his mind. If he feels passionately about something, he’ll always have strong feelings and he’s never afraid to share them!
  • Select the right word to complete the phrase: We hit________the idea of renting a cottage. a)upon b)at c)on
  • Choose the correct sentence a) or b) a) I like to go twice a year on holiday. b) I like to go on holiday twice a year.
  • Complete the missing word: There’s nothing Dave enjoys more than having a good r_______about the state of the economy and the dishonest politicians who are ruining the country.
  • Complete the missing word: Pilar was incensed when she discovered that her so-called best friend had been telling everyone about her personal life, and she decided to go round to her home to give her a p____________ of her mind.
  • Correct the mistake: -How was the exhibition? - I didn't really like it. It wasn't my mug of tea.
  • Select the right word to complete the phrase: The idea came ____ me while I was sleeping. a)in b)on c)to
  • Complete the missing word: It was so cathartic to have the opportunity to ______ my feelings fly and release all the emotions I’d be holding on to for so long.
  • Complete the missing word: Silvia is always r___________about the wonderful year she spent studying in Vancouver and all the fantastic people she met there
  • Correct the mistake: -Did you like the book? -yes, it's an all classic.
  • I searched in the city centre for the right building. (helplessly)
    I searched helplessly in the city centre for the right building.
  • Select the right word to complete the phrase: He is always _________up with novel ideas a)thinking b)coming c)going
  • Choose the correct sentence a) or b) a) At the same time let’s meet up next week. b) Let’s meet up at the same time next week.
  • Select the right word to complete the phrase: I am ______with the idea of going back to college. a)toying b)playing c)joking
  • It rains whenever we go camping. (hard)
    It rains hard whenever we go camping.
  • Correct the mistake: -Did you enjoy the concert? - It was awesome-really, the best concert never!
  • Choose the correct sentence a) or b) a) He forgot totally their anniversary. b) He totally forgot their anniversary
  • Put the words in order to make a sentence: frequently / paths / our / have / crossed
    Our paths have frequently crossed.
  • Choose the correct sentence a) or b) a) I just want to be on my own at the moment. b) I want just to be on my own at the moment.
  • Put the words in order to make a sentence: quietly / the room / left / he
    He left the room quietly