
Passages 2B

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  • Complete: A lot of advanced grammar ______ (be) difficult, so a lot of peeople ______ (not-write) well.
    is / don't write
  • Who studies in Santa Isabel, but lives in Igaratá?
  • What's an absent-minded person?
    Someone who always forget things
  • What's the meaning of "LMAO"?
    Laughing my ass off
  • Complete: No one ______________ (expect) to fail this semester
    expects / is expecting
  • In the class, there are two students that have been studying together since the second book. Who are they?
    Bruna and Mariana
  • What's the meaning of "xlnt"?
  • Who said this: I'll only think about that when I'm old. Like at 30 years old"
    Larissa (Pq choras teacher Aline???)
  • I though one of student in her first semester at Discover. Who?
  • What's a 'hardheaded' person?
    A stubborn person; difficult to change their mind or position on something
  • What's the meaning of "RUOK"?
    Are you OK?
  • Who got older on November, 19th?
  • Who studies with vegans (And hates them)?
    Maria Flávia
  • Complete: The majority of teens __________ (use) too much slangs
    use / uses
  • Who's the hard-driving tennis player we studied during the semester?
    Andre Agassi
  • Complete: Good morning. The sun has risen up in the little farm. Wake the ________ and ________ up
    dogs - chickens
  • What does "take after" mean?
    Resemble a relative (in looks or character)
  • What does "side with someone" mean?
    To deffend or support someone
  • What's Lucas and Beatriz secret code to talk to each other?
    Hi, Lorena
  • What's the name of the company that created Hello Kitty?