
Kringle's Fungeon - Room of countless puzzles

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  • A very large Snorlax-like sleeping creature falls from the ceiling, blocking the whole width of the room ahead. They seem to be having a quite nasty nightmare, causing them to randomly shift and turn. Make a DEX save roll
    DEX 14: ✓ You dodge and can make your way around them, unless you want to try something smarter...; ✗ take 1d6 blunt damage
  • The floor of this tile is made of ice. Through it you can see someone who looks just like you. They seem to be suffocating. As you realize this, you start finding it hard to breathe yourself.
    STR 14 ✓ break the ice & your reflection disappears & you are safe; ✗ you take 1d4 damage every 30 sec / fall unconscious after 2 min and the spell breaks
  • The second you step onto this tile, the floor begins to crumble. Make a DEX save roll.
    DEX 14 ✓ You manage to regain your balance and step back; ✗ you fall 25ft and take 1d6 damage - better get yourself out of there fast...
  • On this tile you can only see a tiny trap door.
    If you open the door, you see a rather deep aquarium underneath. At the bottom, you can barely make out what seem to be 3 keys.
  • A group of flumphs fly at you from the ceiling. As they do, they telepathically say that they want to know how pure your hearts are. Roll a CHA save (good alignment gets advantage).
    14 CHA: ✓ the flumphs turn pink with amusement and fly away > adv on your next roll; ✗ they glow red in anger, make a group attack & fly away (1d8 psy dmg)
  • A hysterical tiny helper shouts at you from a whole in the ceiling: "Are you here to destroy this room further? You monsters!" . He mutters something under his breath and tiny twinkling lights hit you on the nose. Make a CON/DEX save.
    CON/DEX 12 ✓ you manage to resist/avoid it and nothing happens; ✗ you feel tickles all over your body for a full minute. Your next roll is with disadvantage.
  • The room starts getting terrifyingly cold. Roll Investigation, then make CON save rolls.
    14 Investigation + 14 CON: ✓ you notice the hidden pipe in the ground that's causing this and you can stop the cold for 30 sec; ✗ 3 cold dmg every 30 sec
  • A very determined piece of decorative string comes at you from the ceiling. Make a DEX save roll.
    14 Save: ✓ you jump out of the way & avoid the attack / ✗ you get tangled in the endless string and decorations (Dex 14 or alternative action next turn)
  • You each hear a little giggle and when you look in the direction of the sound you see little Christmas gnomes grabbing the last item you used. Make a DEX or STR save roll.
    DEX / STR 15: ✓ the gnome was too slow - your stuff is safe; ✗ the gnome throws the item in front of the exit door and vanishes
  • A huge ornate bird cage top falls on top of you, covering the entire tile. Make a STR save roll (unless you have a different/better idea).
    16 Save: ✓ you manage to escape, but the cage remains in place; ✗ keep chewing on those metal bars...
  • As you step on this platform, the floor underneath you starts moving and brings you a good 35ft down. You land on a huge chess board and hear "Win for white in 2 moves" inside your mind.
    INT 14 or win: ✓ go back up (if you actually played, you feel a refreshing energy enveloping you > +2 to one of your skill scores); ✗ 1d6 psychic damage
  • You can see a lever on this tile.
    If you pull the lever, you hear a little jingle and the effects of a random tile in the room are now disabled.
  • You see a very beautiful silvery dagger appear in the middle of this tile. What do you do?
    If you picked it up, WIS 14: ✓ you let go of it as its dark tendrils poke at your mind; ✗ you feel compelled to attack one of your friends - and you do.
  • The room starts smelling of pine trees and needles and cones fall from the ceiling.
    You feel refreshed. Roll 1d8 to heal and / or gain temporary HP.
  • As you step onto this tile, a door appears in front of you. On the door, there's a wreath and a scribbled message: "This door will teleport you onto any other already discovered tile of your choosing."
    WIS 13 ✓ you realize this is a trap (I mean look at the wreath...) and walk past it; ✗ you gladly step through and are taken to the worst known tile in the room