
Present Perfect PT15

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  • Make a present perfect question with "ever": (you / dye your hair)
    Have you ever dyed your hair?
  • Danny has _______ (yet / already) cleaned his room.
  • Complete with a tag question: "You entertained a live audience for the first time when you were 11, _________?
    didn`t you?
  • Make a present perfect question with "ever": (Maria / go to a rain forest)
    Has Maria ever been to a rain forest?
  • Our last concert was two months ________ (since/ago)
  • Complete with a tag question: "Your parents bought you your first violin a long time ago, ________?
    didn`t they?
  • Say the present perfect question with "ever": (John / try rock climbing)
    Has John ever tried rock climbing?
  • They`ve _________ (already/yet) finished their science projects.
  • Say the present perfect question with "ever": (Jen and Ron/ win a marathon)
    Have Jen and Ron ever won a marathon?
  • We haven`t gone shopping ______ (so far/ since) last weekend.
  • Make a present perfect question with "ever": (Martina / meet a famous person)
    Has Martina ever met a famous person?
  • Laura has done very well in class _________ (so far/ ago).
    so far
  • I haven`t gone shopping ________ (so far/ since) last weekend.
  • Complete with a tag question: "They have been to the beach, __________?
    haven`t they?