
Complete B2 First for Schools - Unit 2 review

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  • Form a compound sentence: Last year, Katya took part in the national championship. Katya didn’t win. Katya was injured during one of the matches.
    Last year, Katya took part in the national championship, BUT SHE didn’t win BECAUSE SHE was injured during one of the matches.
  • She looks more relaxed than she did before the exam. --> STRESSED --> She does not look ____________ she did before the exam.
    as STRESSED as
  • Jake felt ________ that he wasn’t picked to play in the match. --> DISAPPOINT (Spell correctly!)
  • What an ________ band! I never expected they’d be that good. --> AMAZE (Spell correctly!)
  • Form a complex sentence: Katya's father is a professional karate instructor. Katya's father taught Katya karate.
    Katya's father, WHO is a professional karate instructor, taught IT to HER.
  • Form a complex sentence: Katya took up karate. Katya was seven years old.
    Katya took up karate WHEN SHE was seven years old.
  • We were ________ by the way the other team shouted at us. --> ASTONISH (Spell correctly!)
  • This motorbike is not as noisy as my previous one. --> MADE --> My previous motorbike ____________ this one.
    MADE more noise than
  • You can’t expect children to work hard if they don’t feel ________. --> MOTIVATE (Spell correctly!)
  • Form a compound sentence: Katya's father thinks his students would benefit from a different teacher. His students are too familiar with his style of karate.
    Katya's father thinks his students would benefit from a different teacher BECAUSE THEY are too familiar with his style of karate.
  • I thought learning Italian would be difficult, but when I moved to Bologna I soon ______ it up.
  • Form a compound sentence: Katya took up karate. Katya was interested in karate.
    Katya took up karate BECAUSE SHE was interested in IT.
  • If you can’t ______ a promise, no one will ever trust you.
  • It’s a ________ problem – I don’t really know what to do about it. --> PUZZLE (Spell correctly!)
  • Small towns are safer than large cities. --> NOT --> Small towns ____________ as large cities.
    are NOT as dangerous
  • No one in the team plays better than Gemma. --> PLAYER --> Gemma ____________ in the team.
    is the best PLAYER
  • Mario is thinking of ______ up jogging, as he doesn’t feel he’s getting enough exercise.
  • Form a complex sentence: Katya did karate with other children. The other children were the same age as Katya. None of the other children were as good as Katya.
    Katya did karate with other children WHO were the same age as HER, BUT none of THEM were as good as HER.
  • We took ______ in a 10 km run at the weekend, to raise money for the local hospital.
  • Tatiana does not speak nearly as clearly as Irina. --> MUCH --> Irina speaks ____________ Tatiana.
    MUCH more clearly than
  • Form a compound sentence: Katya progressed quickly. Katya soon became junior regional champion.
    Katya progressed quickly AND soon became junior regional champion.
  • Form a compound sentence: Katya hopes to become a professional karate instructor. Katya hopes to work in the same sports centre as her father. Her father has too many students.
    Katya hopes to become a professional karate instructor AND work in the same sports centre as her father BECAUSE HE has too many students.
  • None of the other sofas in the shop are as comfortable as this one. --> ANY --> This sofa is ____________ the others in the shop.
    more comfortable than ANY of
  • I can’t work out how to solve this maths problem; would you like to ______ a go and see if you can do it?
  • They found the journey so ________ that they fell asleep as soon as they arrived. --> EXHAUST (Spell correctly!)
  • I just don’t like ______ risks, so I’d never get a motorbike.