
ELA Review

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  • What is the meaning of this personification? "The camera loves me!"
    Photos of me are always really good.
  • If the author wants you to vote for a certain person, what is their purpose?
  • What does inform mean?
    Facts or information
  • What is the root word for "wealthy"
  • True or False. Is this an example of personification? The sun is like a light bulb.
  • Use the word "hairy" in a complete sentence.
  • What is the author's purpose? A newspaper article about the animal shelter.
  • What does entertain mean?
    Something you enjoy or like.
  • True or false. Personification is giving human characteristics to objects.
  • What is the root word for "silently"
  • True or False. Is this an example of personification? The sun smiled at us.
  • Simile or Personification. The clock on the wall laughed at me as I tried to finish my test before class ended.
  • What would the author's purpose be if they're trying to make you laugh?
  • When Ms. Hodge walked through the store, every shiny pair of high heels call out to her. What is being personified?
    High Heels
  • Author's Purpose- what does PIE stand for?
    P- Persuade I- Inform E- Entertain
  • What is the author's purpose? Once upon a time there was a lonely dragon who wished nothing more than to have a friend.
  • Ms. Deloera's orange walls screamed at her as she walked into the room. What is being personified?
    The walls.
  • What is the suffix in the word "loudly"
  • What is the suffix in the word "merrily"
  • True or False. Facts and information is example of persuade.
  • True or false. Biographies are an example to inform to reader.
  • What does persuade mean?
    Convince people to agree with you.
  • True or false. Fantasy is an example of entertain.
  • What is author's purpose?
    Reason for writing a text.
  • What is the author's purpose? Basketball is the best sport ever. You should play it every chance you get. You should also watch it on tv. Basketball is the only sport that matters.
  • True or false. Commercials and billboards are examples of persuade.
  • When an author is giving you facts, what is their purpose?
  • What is personification?
    Giving human qualities to non-human objects.