
Quarter 2 Exam Review Game

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  • In the book "Why Pick on Me?," Marvin is in his classroom at school. The setting in this book is the same as the setting in the book "Class President." What kind of connection is this?
    Text to Text Connection
  • what we learn about a character from actions, words, and thoughts: Personal OR Physical traits?
    personal traits
  • a connection between the text and another text you have read
    text to text
  • In the book, "Class President," Mrs. North allowed the students to go outside to the park for a reward. It reminds me of the time my third-grade teacher gave us a treat and let us watch a movie on Friday because we behaved well that week.
    Text to Self Connection
  • "Author and Me" and "On my Own" Questions are "In my Head" Questions because the answers are NOT in the text. (TRUE or FALSE)
  • In the book, "Alone in His Teacher's House," Marvin cooks liver (a type of meat) and gives it to Waldo for dinner. Many people in the world feed their pets cooked meat when they are not feeling well. What kind of connection is this?
    Text to World Connection
  • red shirt: Physical OR Personal Trait?
    physical trait
  • special punctuation marks that show a character is speaking. (setting OR quotation marks)
    quotation marks
  • A snowman comes to life and dances: Realistic OR Unrealistic?
  • the character who is telling the story (narrator OR character traits)
  • the person who wrote the book. (main characters OR author)
  • responsible: Physical OR Personal Trait?
    personal trait
  • What is realistic fiction?
    A story that is made up, but COULD happen in real life
  • the characters the book is about. (main characters OR author)
    main characters
  • What personal traits do you share with Marvin Redpost?
    Your teacher will decide if it's a correct answer...
  • a connection between the text and events in the world
    text to world
  • In the book, "Why Pick on Me?" Marvin is sad because his friends are bullying him. Make a connection and tell what kind it is.
    Your teacher will decide if it's a correct answer...
  • "What do you predict will happen in chapter 9?" is an "In my Head" question. True OR False?
  • mom tells you to clean up your room: Realistic OR Unrealistic?
  • "What are the names of Marvin's family members?" is an "In my Head" question. True OR False?
  • a story that is made up, but could really happen today. (chapter book OR realistic fiction)
    realistic fiction
  • "Right There" and "Think and Search" Questions are "In the Book" Questions because the answers are found in the text. (TRUE or FALSE)
  • In the book "Class President," Mrs. North told the class that the President of the United States was going to visit their class. This is like something I heard on the news when past Presidents visited local elementary schools. Connection?
    Text to World Connection
  • What is a "Think and Search" question?
    the answer is found in the text, but on different pages
  • In the book "Class President," Marvin is kind and respectful to the President. It is similar to the book "Alone in His Teacher's House," because Marvin was kind and respectful when he called the vet on the phone. What kind of connection is?
    Text to Text Connection
  • red, curly hair: Physical OR Personal Trait?
    physical trait
  • time AND place of a story (narrator OR setting)
  • How is Marvin Redpost an example of realistic fiction?
    Your teacher will decide if it's a good answer...
  • the green alien goes in his spaceship: Realistic or Unrealistic?
  • What is a "Right There" question?
    the answer is found in the text, right there on the page
  • What is an "Author and Me" question?
    use what you read in the text and what you know to find the answer
  • what we can see: Personal OR Physical traits?
    physical traits
  • In the book "Class President," Marvin's class had a special event at school called "Hole Day." This reminds me of how I participated in special dress up days for IST such as Bible Day and Fiesta Catracha. What kind of connection is this?
    Text to Self Connection
  • words that describe a person in the story. (setting OR character traits)
    character traits
  • What is an "On my Own" question?
    use your background knowledge and your own experiences AND your opinions to find the answer
  • a witch uses her magic wand: Realistic or Unrealistic?
  • two students play on the cancha: Realistic OR Unrealistic?
  • a book with a story with no or few pictures, it usually has a table of contents. (author OR chapter book)
    chapter book
  • a connection between the text and your life or experiences
    text to self
  • "What is the name of Marvin's teacher?" is an "In the Book" question. True OR False?