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  • Find a metaphor or a simile from the song "Mr. Grinch"
    open ended
  • Tell me the problem and solution in the movie
    open ended
  • What are some foods you make over winter break?
    open discussion
  • Ask your partner what they celebrate over winter break. If it's the same as yours, name a different holiday you know about
    open discussion
  • Explain the comic
    Santa has 2 lists, but Mrs. Claus just wants him to go to the store
  • Explain the idiom "Give someone the cold shoulder". Example sentence- Jack was upset at Sally for not getting him a gift he wanted for Christmas, so at dinner he gave her the cold shoulder and they sat in silence
    To ignore, be disrespectful or indifferent to someone.
  • Explain the idiom "my lips are sealed". Example sentence- Dana was so excited for her secret santa and just had to tell her sister. Her sister said, "don't worry my lips are sealed"
    the sister can keep a secret
  • Find a metaphor or a simile from the song "Mr. Grinch"
    open ended
  • Imagine you are shopping at the mall for the holidays. You are carrying too many things and accidentally walked out the store without buying the item. What is the problem? Give your solution
    problem- walked out without paying; solution- walk back inside
  • Explain the problem and a solution: You are excited for your brother to open up his gift! But before, he opens up a gift from his friend. You and his friend got him the exact same thing.
    Open ended
  • Tell me the problem and solution in the movie
    open ended
  • Tell me the problem and the solution of the movie
    open ended
  • Deck the halls __ ___ ___ ___. Tis the _____ to be ____
    with bells of holly; season to be jolly
  • Explain the comic
    pinoccio is lying- how do you know
  • Explain the idiom "cost an arm and a leg". Example sentence- "Buying gifts for each day of Hanukkah for the big family cost an arm and a leg"
    it was expensive
  • Tell me the problem and solution in the movie
    open discussion
  • This year, you want to buy someone a gift, but you don't have money. What is the problem? Give 2 solutions for your answer
    open discussion
  • Explain how Danny feels. Danny is at home celebrating with his big family. His cousin Trevor is in town visiting. He keeps bragging about how great college has been and how many A's he got. Danny wants to talk about what he's been up to
    open ended