
Ancient Rome Review

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  • What is the belief in many gods called?
  • What does the word VETO mean?
    to reject
  • What animal did Hannibal bring to attack Rome during the Punic Wars?
  • Which empire did Rome defeat in the Punic Wars?
  • Name two reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire.
    Bad emperors, money problems, size of the empire, mercenary army
  • What is a patrician?
    Wealthy/upper class landowner
  • Name two ways the geography of Italy and Greece were similar.
    peninsulas, in Europe, climates
  • A government in which a king or queen rules is called a what?
  • Who became dictator of Rome, fought for plebeian rights, and was murdered by a group of senators?
    Julius Caesar
  • What part of the Roman Republic was made up of 300 patricians and were the lawmakers of Rome?
  • This person was elected by the Assembly to represent them, like a president of the plebeians.
  • Name 2 achievements of Ancient Rome
    Aqueduct, roads, fire department, bound books
  • What is a plebeian?
    common person/poor farmers
  • What type of people made up the Roman Assembly?
  • What continent are Greece and Italy on?
  • What is the belief in only one god called?