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  • When advocating for yourself, should you use positive or negative word choices?
    Positive! If we use negative words, we might end up getting in trouble.
  • Why is self-advocacy important?
    It helps us be more independent and makes our needs known to others.
  • You left your glasses at home, and your seat is in the back of the classroom. How can you advocate for yourself in that situation?
    Ask the teacher if you can move to a different seat for the day.
  • You're in a zoom class lesson that is moving quickly and you are feeling confused. What can you say in this situation?
    As a group, decide if this is the correct answer.
  • Where are some places you might need to advocate for yourself?
    School, home, with friends, all of the above!
  • You're distracted in class because a student behind you keeps kicking your chair. How can you handle this situation with the student? What if the other student doesn't stop?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • Give an example of how you can advocate (speak up for) yourself after missing a few days of school due to an illness.
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.
  • What does 'self' mean?
    Me, Myself & I
  • Define self-advocacy
    Speaking up for yourself to make sure your needs are being met.
  • Is how I speak to a teacher the same as how I speak to a friend?
    No, probably not
  • Another student on the bus has ben giving you a hard time. How can you advocate for yourself in this situation?
    As a group, decide if the answer is correct.