
Frequency Game

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  • There are lots of small film festivals in Toronto but there is one big festival_______________ (every September)
    every year
  • I go to the cinema _______________ (in January, in February, in March, in April etc.)
    every month
  • I probably see a foreign film ________________. (four times a year)
    every three months
  • Jack goes to the cinema ____________ (once a week.)
    every Friday
  • I read the film review sections of the newspaper _____________ (every week.)
    four times a month
  • I watch a DVD with my family _________________ (on Fridays and Saturdays)
    twice a week
  • My 3 year and 5 year-old daughters watch Frozen ____________ (once a day.)
    every day
  • I watch anime on Netflix twice a month.
    every two weeks