
Social Skills 12/2020

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  • It's really loud at the basketball game and it's hurting your ears. What do you do?
  • Why is the woman wearing boots?
    To keep her feet warm. There is a lot of snow and the snow is really cold.
  • "your picture looks like a 2-year old drew it" should you think that or say it?
    think it
  • How is this man feeling?
  • You have to sit next to someone you don't like very much on the bus. What do you do?
  • "Your Christmas decorations are very festive" should you think that or say it?
    say it
  • "Your shirt looks like it hasn't been washed in two years" Should you think that or say it?
    think it
  • "That is a really cool outfit" Should you think that or say it?
    say it
  • What holiday is it? How do you know?
    Christmas. I see a Christmas tree with a family opening gifts.
  • Someone knocks all the books out of a classmate's hands as he's walking by. What could you do?
    offer to help him pick them up
  • What is the correct past tense sentence. I went trick-or-treating on Halloween. OR I goed trick-or-treating on Halloween.
    I went trick-or-treating on Halloween.
  • What do you think the boy will say?
    Why did you do that!? I'm not wearing a bathing suit!
  • Someone shoved you in the hallway and didn't say "excuse me". What should you do?
  • What holiday is it? How do you know?
    Halloween. I can see pumpkins and kids dressed up as ghosts
  • "I like your haircut" Is that something you should think or say
  • What is the correct past tense sentence: I eated turkey on Thanksgiving OR I ate turkey on Thanksgiving.
    I ate turkey on Thanksgiving.
  • You really want to go to the store but your parents can't take you. What do you do?