
Vocabulary Fall Final

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  • premier
    first in time or importance
  • unilateral
    one-sided; one by or affecting one person, group, or country
  • avant-garde
    ahead of the times, especially in the arts
  • triumvirate
    a group of three, especially in authority
  • predestination
    the belief that what happens in human life has already been determined by some higher power
  • primordial
    primeval; original; fundamental
  • monarch
    a person who rules a kingdom or empire; a king or queen, emperor or empress; a butterfly
  • magnanimous
    noble and generous, especially in forgiving; not petty
  • monolith
    a large block of stone
  • copious
    plentiful; in large amounts
  • megalomania
    a form of mental illness in which a person has exaggerated ideas of his or her own importance
  • omnipotent
    having unlimited power; all-powerful
  • duplex
    a dwelling with two living units
  • cloister
    a monastery or similar place of religious seclusion
  • quadrant
    a quarter of a circle or of its circumference
  • vacuous
    empty, especially of meaning or purpose
  • trilogy
    a group of three literary or musical works that have a related theme
  • quartet
    a musical composition for four voices or instruments
  • holocaust
    a great destruction, especially by fire
  • antecedent
    a thing or event that precedes
  • antebellum
    a period before a war, especially the American Civil War
  • satiate
    to satisfy an appetite fully; to gratify to excess
  • catholic
    universal; including most things
  • preposterous
    absurd; contrary to nature or reason
  • pandemonium
  • preclude
    to prevent; to make impossible
  • minuscule
    extremely small
  • negate
    to disprove; to nullify