
Bill of Rights

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  • Protecting the rights and freedoms of American citizens is the purpose of the _________________.
    Bill of Rights
  • Which amendment guarantees the right to a trial by jury in civil cases?
    7th Amendment
  • Prevents the quartering of soldiers in any home without the consent of the owner?
    3rd Amendment
  • The First 10 Amendments are referred to as
    the Bill of Rights
  • Which amendment gives you the right to keep weapons or arms?
    2nd Amendment
  • True or False: a "well-regulated militia...the right of the people" to bear arms is found in amendment 7.
  • Which amendment guarantees the right to personal freedoms not listed in the Constitution??
    9th Amendment
  • True or False: A person can be arrested and put on trial for the same crime twice.
  • What does the word "amend" mean?
    change or add
  • What historic document is the Bill of Rights a part of?
    The Constitution
  • Which Amendment protects you from having the military stay in your home?
    3rd Amendment
  • Which principle of government is reflected by the 10th Amendment?
  • States that powers not given to the Federal government or denied to the States, are powers reserved for the States.
    10th Amendment
  • Guarantees the freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
    1st Amendment
  • Guarantees the rights of people accused of a crime to due process of law including the right not to incriminate oneself or to be tried for the same crime twice (double jeopardy)
    5th Amendment
  • True or False: The freedom of religion is found in Amendment 2
  • Can the US Constitution be changed?
  • Which amendment gives you the right of RAPPS?
    1st Amendment
  • Which amendment guarantees the right to a speedy trial in criminal cases?
    6th Amendment
  • Which amendment guarantees the people no illegal search and seizure?
    4th Amendment
  • Which amendment guarantees the right to no excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishment??
    8th Amendment