
3rd Grade Revision of units 7-8-9

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  • How is the weather in İzmir?
    It's sunny.
  • How is the weather in Afyon?
    It's cloudy.
  • Where is the post office?
    I don't know.
  • How is the weather in Van?
    It's snowy.
  • How is the weather in İstanbul?
    It's warm.
  • Where are the children?
    They are at the museum.
  • How can I go to Isparta?
    You can go by bike.
  • How can I go to İstanbul?
    You can go by plane?
  • Where is the park?
    It is here.
  • Where is the carnival?
    It is there.
  • Where is Mahmut?
    He is at the hospital.
  • How is the weather in Trabzon?
    It's rainy.
  • Where is Şükriye?
    She is at the bank.
  • How is the weather in Bolu?
    It's foggy.
  • How can I go to Adana?
    You can go by ship.
  • Is it snowy in the North pole?
    Yes, it is.
  • Where is Ali?
    He is at the library.
  • Where is Ayşe?
    She is at school.
  • How is the weather in Çanakkale?
    It's windy.
  • Is it rainy in the desert?
    No, it isn't.
  • How can i go to Eskişehir?
    You can go by train.
  • How is the weather in Diyarbakır?
    It's hot (and sunny).
  • How is the weather in Antalya?
    It's stormy.
  • How can I go to school?
    You can go on foot.
  • How is the weather in Erzurum?
    It's cold.