
Superpower Relations: The Cold War Crises

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  • Who was the leader of Cuba that let Russia place missiles there?
    Fidel Castro
  • What are the Russian words for 'Openness' and 'Restructuring'?
    Glasnost = openness // Perestroika = Restructuring
  • Jimmy Carter imposed economic sanctions on the USSR after the invasion of Afghanistan. What are economic sanctions?
    Economic sanctions means attacking a country financially by refusing to trade with them, or making them pay extra fees to trade with you.
  • What does MAD mean when talking about the Cold War?
    Mutually Assured Destruction
  • In which year did the Berlin Wall come down?
    1989 (9th November)
  • What was the name of the CIA's failed coup in Cuba?
    The Bay of Pigs incident
  • What was Khrushchev's "Berlin Ultimatum"?
    The Western powers had 6 weeks to leave West Berlin
  • What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
    The Soviet Union would invade any communist country who challenged Communism.
  • What was it called when all the skilled people moved from East Germany to West Germany?
    Brain Drain
  • The Czechoslovakian leader, Dubcek, called his reforms "Communism with a ..."
    Human Face
  • What was the name of the currency introduced in the American and British zones of Germany?
    The Deutschemark
  • What does ICBM stand for?
    Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
  • In October 1961, there was a tank stand-off at Checkpoint ...
  • Who was the US President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    John F Kennedy
  • Who was the president of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War?
    Mikhail Gorbachev
  • In which year did Khrushchev order the construction of the Berlin Wall?
  • What was the name of the combined zones of Germany belonging to the Western Powers?
  • Who was the leader of Russia during the Berlin Airlift?
    Joseph Stalin
  • Which terrorist, who planned the 9/11 attack, joined the Mujahideen in 1979?
    Osama Bin Laden
  • What kind of reforms did the PDPA enact in Afghanistan?
    Communist Reforms
  • How did Jan Palach protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?
    He set himself on fire
  • What was the name of the Islamic group that resisted the Soviets?
    The Mujahideen
  • After the Cuban Missile Crisis, Nikita Khrushchev was replaced by ...
    Leonid Brezhnev
  • Which country did the USSR invade in 1979?
  • What was the name of the financial package offered to European countries by the USA after World War Two?
    The Marshall Plan