
Y10 digestion and teeth

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  • The hard, tough white part of the teeth?
  • What are the 2 sections of the small intestine
    Duodenum (where digestion is completed) and ileum (where digested food is absorbed)
  • Which teeth and used for crushing and grinding?
    Pre-molars and molars
  • Which teeth are used for biting and cutting?
  • What is formed as bacteria respire sugars?
  • Where is lipase made, and where is it secreted into?
    Made in the pancreas, secreted into the duodenum
  • What does amylase break down, and what does it turn it into?
    Starch into maltose
  • Where is maltase enzyme found?
    On the membranes of the cells lining the small intestine
  • The breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemically changing it. What is this?
    Mechanical digestion
  • Moving digested food from the intestines into the blood is known as....
  • What is meant by emulsification of fats and why is it useful?
    Turning large fat droplets into smaller ones - gives a large surface area to speed up lipase action
  • Why is it important to brush your teeth regularly?
    To remove bacteria / plaque
  • Give 2 functions of bile
    To neutralise stomach acids, to emulsify fats
  • Which enzymes are made in the pancreas?
    Amylase, Trypsin and Lipase
  • What are lipids broken down into
    Fatty acids and glycerol
  • The softer part of the teeth under the enamel, has some nerves
  • Give 2 functions of stomach acid
    To kill bacteria (denatures their enzymes) and provide correct pH for pepsin
  • Define chemical digestion
    The breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into small, soluble molecules by enzymes
  • What is the name of the protease enzyme in the stomach?
  • What does maltase do?
    Breaks down maltose into glucose
  • Which part of the tooth has blood vessels?
  • Name 2 places that protease enzymes are made
    Stomach and pancreas
  • Which chemical is added to toothpaste and some drinking water to help strengthen the enamel?