
EPF W!SE Review 4

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  • Make "paper" money
    US Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • period of time for which benefits are available.
    Benefit Period
  • an established or recognized right under an insurance policy
  • comparing products and prices in different stores before making a purchase
    comparison shopping
  • Makes and Enforces rules for the stock market
    SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
  • This provides liability and other coverages for the operation of a motor vehicle.
    Automobile insurance
  • Make US coins
    US Mint
  • yearly fixed amount or percentage of an insurance claim that is the responsibility of the insured, and which the insurance company will deduct from the claim payment
    Annual Deductible
  • consists of people who are unable to obtain automobile insurance due to poor driving or accident records and must obtain coverage at high rates through a state program that requires insurance companies to accept some of them.
    Assigned Risk Pool
  • the amount of money the patient has to pay that the insurance company will not pay
  • It uses Monetary Policy (how much $ should be in circulation) Banker's Bank
    Federal Reserve Bank
  • Amount of principal due at the maturity date of the bond
    face value
  • A form of health insurance that provides periodic payments to replace income when the insured is unable to work as a result of illness, injury, or disease-not as a result of a work-related accident or condition
    disability insurance