
EPF W!SE Review 3

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  • a government bond that is repaid within two to ten years
    Treasury Note
  • an expense that changes from month to month like your food spending or gas spending
    Variable Expense
  • the profit from the sale of an asset such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.
    Capital Gain
  • tracks the prices of 500 different stocks as a measure of overall stock market performance
    S & P 500
  • ratio of money gained or earned on an investment
    Return on Investment (ROI)
  • all of the investments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, and commodities, that are traded
  • The average price of 30 selected industrial stocks, used as a measure of general market trends
    Dow Jones
  • A policy designed to cover property that floats, or moves, from location to location.
  • a stock market with declining stock prices
    Bear Market
  • something required or essential: food, shelter, transportation, education
  • insures your bank deposits up to $250,000 per account
    FDIC FederaI Deposit Insurance Corp.
  • check paid to stockholders, usually quarterly, representing portion of corporate profits
  • A GOLDEN RULE of personal finance. Put a portion of your paycheck into savings/investments before any other spending.
    Pay Yourself First
  • Share of Ownership in a Corporation
  • an item that we desire but that is not essential to survival
  • expenses which stay basically the same from month to month, such as housing and transportation.
    Fixed Expense
  • spreading out investments to reduce risks
  • What you give up when you make one choice over another
    Opportunity Cost
  • A government bond that is repaid within three months to a year.
    Treasury Bill
  • a savings account you can access quickly to pay for unexpected expenses or emergencies, usually equal to 3-6 months of your salary
    Emergency Fund
  • fund that pools the savings of many individuals and invests this money in a variety of stocks, bonds, and other financial assets
    Mutual Fund
  • a plan for making and spending money
  • America's largest electronic stock market. Many technology stocks such as Apple, Microsoft, and Yahoo are traded on this stock exchange
  • the ease with which an asset can be converted into cash
  • a period of rising stock prices
    Bull Market
  • the amount of money spent is more than the amount of money collected