
A2 revision of units 1,2 and 3

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  • Correct these sentences: 1. Nick is the father of Robbie. 2. Is he musician?
    1. Nick is Robbie’s father. 2. Is he a musician?
  • Say the opposite of these adjectives: new, easy, cheap, slow
    old; difficult; expensive; fast
  • Correct these sentences: 1. My father haven’t got a cat. 2. Where you live?
    1. My father hasn’t got a cat. 2. Where do you live?
  • Make these sentences negative: 1. They’ve got a car. 2. I work at home.
    1. They haven’t got a car. 2. I don’t work at home.
  • Say the plural of these words: watch, woman, person, diary
    watches; women; people; diaries
  • What are the short answers to these questions?1. Is he French? (negative short answer) 2. Have they got a car? (positive short answer)
    1. Is he French? No, he isn't. 2. Have they got a car? Yes, they have
  • Put these adverbs in order: often, always, never, usually, sometimes
    always; usually; often; sometimes; never
  • Talk about your daily routine for 20 seconds
    Your own answer with Present Simple tense
  • Say six countries and their nationalities.
    Brazil -Brazilian, France - French, the USA - American, Germany - German, China - Chinese, Russia - Russian, Egypt - Egyptian, the UK - British
  • Say these dates: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
    the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth
  • What do you say to people on these days? a birthday, a wedding, New Year
    Happy birthday! Congratulations! Happy New Year!
  • Fill in the gaps: go _ a drink, go _ shopping, go _ the cinema, go _ concerts
    go for a drink, go shopping, go to the cinema, go to concerts
  • Say six things in a house, for example, a table.
    Your own answer
  • Correct these sentences: 1. It’s a bag very old. 2. I not go out in the week.
    1. It’s a very old bag. 2. I don’t go out in the week.
  • Talk about things you’ve got for 20 seconds.
    Your own sentences with "have got" or "haven't got"
  • Make a suggestion for tomorrow night.
    Your own answer with phrases: We could/ let's/why don't/ what about
  • Say six jobs.
    a housewife, a cleaner, a manager, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, a waiter, a waitress, a musician, and etc.
  • Say where four things are in your room or in this picture
    Your own answer with prepositions under, on, in, behind, by, in front of
  • Do you use in, at or on with these phrases? Monday, 9 p.m., the morning, night
    on Monday; at 9 p.m.; in the morning; at night
  • Talk about what you do at the weekend for 20 seconds.
    Your own answer
  • Say these times in two ways. 10.20, 3.45, 6.15, 7.30
    twenty past ten/ten twenty; quarter to four/three forty-five; quarter past six/six fifteen; half past seven/ seven thirty
  • Make a question with these words: dinner / Sunday / you / have / do / Where / on ?
    Where do you have dinner on Sunday?
  • Talk about your family for 20 seconds.
    with family words
  • Say six free time activities.
    stay in, go our, eat out, go for a drink, go to the cinema, go to concerts, go shopping, phone friends, visit friends, have coffee with friends, do sport, watch
  • Say these prices: £7.50, 50c, $29.99, £21.50
    seven pounds fifty; fifty cents; twenty-nine (dollars) ninety-nine (cents); twenty-one pounds fifty
  • Say the months.
    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
  • Say what you usually do at three different times of the day.
    Your own answer with time phrases "in the morning", "in the afternoon", "in the evening", "at night", "usually"
  • Ask each person in your group a question about their daily routine.
    Questions with "do"
  • Ask each student in the group a question about his/her family.
    Your own questions (What's your husband's job?, How old is your sister? Have you got any siblings? How many cousins have you got?"