
WHII SOL Review 1 - mostly 1500 - 1600s

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  • The religious conflict that became a political war? Hapsburg South vs Protestants of N. Germany
    Thirty Years War
  • First explorer to circumnavigate the globe?
    Ferdinand Magellan
  • trade route that moved slaves, sugar, rum, manufactured goods, gold, and silver between Europe and the Americas
    Triangle Trade
  • This gave Huguenots (Protestant) freedom to worship in France.
    Edict of Nantes
  • In 1500, this empire included modern-day Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Israel, and northern Africa.
    Ottoman Empire
  • Martin's main ideas nailed to his church door?
    95 Theses
  • His teachings and life are found in the new testament.
  • He taught - Faith revealed by living a righteous life (Predestination)
    John Calvin
  • Anglican Queen who won a victory of the Spanish Armada?
    Elizabeth I
  • An economic practice adopted by European colonial powers Colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country.
  • Idea: God has already determined everything.
  • Rebel priest who taught - Salvation by faith alone
    Martin Luther
  • First to round the cape of good hope (Africa) and sail to India India.
    Vasco de Gama
  • Order founded during the Catholic Church Reformation. They were used to spread Catholicism around the world.
    Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
  • Who conquered the Inca?
  • European disease that wiped out Native American populations?
    Small Pox
  • French explorer who claimed Canada for France?
    Jaques Cartier
  • Who conquered the Aztecs?
  • Europeans traded with this Muslim Empire in India. It was famed for the Taj Mahal.
    Mughal Empire
  • First English captain to circumnavigating the globe? He raided Spanish colonies and attacked treasure ships.
    Francis Drake
  • An attempt of the Catholic Church to reform itself. Use of the Inquisition Council of Trent-reaffirms practices and doctrine
    Catholic-Counter Reformation
  • He increased the literacy rate. Invented a better printing press
  • An exchange of products and resources between eastern and western hemisphere.
    Colombian Exchange
  • Name given to English Church under Elizabeth I?
    Anglican Church
  • English King who became the head of the Anglican Church.
    Henry VIII
  • Portuguese prince who founded a school of navigation?
    Prince Henry the Navigator